Benefits to Buying a Used Vehicle in Raleigh, NC
There are many reasons to buy a used model when you’re buying in Raleigh, NC! These can be financial, both upfront and over time, as well as simply getting more bang-for-your-buck! What are some of these benefits, exactly? Continue reading below to find out!
Starting out with an obvious one, cars can depreciate over time. With very few exceptions, buying a new model can be a bad investment on your part. Cars can last longer, especially new ones, but they can lose up to 50% of their value after the first three years. You should get a vehicle that’s older than three years, but not more than five years, for the best possible deal.

More Car For Money
You can budget better for a used model, getting more features and systems for your hard-earned money. This includes a better trim level, more technologies, greater performance, and more! That means more fancy equipment, better quality engines for cheap, and more.
Lower Insurance Costs
Your car’s value is the primary item insurance companies check when they’re valuing your rates. This means that they’ll charge less for your premiums if you have a used model. It makes sense when you consider that a used BMW or similar would be easier to insure than a new one.
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Overall, these are three of the many benefits offered by a used model compared to a new one. What are some of the other ones, you ask? Contact our dealership today!