Picture of a Volkswagen Beetle

Watch Volkswagen’s Farewell to the Beloved Beetle in This Emotional Video!

Volkswagen Beetle – The Last Mile Video

While we specialize in high-quality used vehicles here at Auction Direct USA, we like to keep tabs on the latest news from automakers. We were saddened to hear that Volkswagen was discontinuing its iconic Beetle after 2019. We are looking forward to seeing what Volkswagen has in store for the future (especially the return of the equally-iconic Bus in 2022), but we got a little emotional watching this send-off video featuring a choral version of The Beatles’ “Let It Be”:

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Guy changing gear behind the wheel of his vehicle

What Should I Keep in the Glovebox of My Vehicle?

5 Essentials for Your Vehicle’s Glovebox

We went to retrieve the owner’s manual this morning and discovered that our vehicle’s glove box was jam-packed with clutter. Sure, we found the manual, but we also found a bunch of random paperwork, that George Strait CD that we thought we lost, the card we were supposed to give to Cousin Lisa last summer at her wedding (is it too late to send it now?), wrappers from a few Snickers bars, a pack of gum, some expired coupons, and more! How did we let this happen?!?! After doing some serious decluttering, we thought that we would share the five most important essentials to keep in your vehicle’s glove box!

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Vehicle driving on a snow-covered road

Watch How Jeep Vehicles Perform in the Snow!

Jeep Closed for the Day Commercial

On occasion, our Raleigh, NC, location will see a big dumping of snow when a massive Snowmaggedon system rolls through. Even with that snow, we still need to get to work or go out and play. And having a great vehicle outfitted with extra power makes it possible! To help tackle the snow and ice, many of our customers choose a Jeep vehicle, which is regularly in stock at our Raleigh location! To help you get a better look at how Jeep vehicles perform in the snow, we wanted to share this new commercial with you!

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White Chevy Silverado playing in the dust

What Kind of Engine Oil Does a Chevy Silverado 1500 Truck Need?

Engine Oil Viscosity Grade Recommendation for a Chevy Silverado 1500 Truck

Here at Auction Direct USA, many of our customers who are shopping for a high-quality used truck will choose the Chevy Silverado 1500. This pickup truck offers plenty of power and is a great choice when you need to work hard and want to play harder in the Raleigh, NC, area. One reason why many of our customers choose the Chevy Silverado 1500 is its reputation for long-lasting dependability.

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Woman behind the wheel of her next vehicle

Start Off the New Decade in a High-Quality Pre-Owned Vehicle from Auction Direct USA!

High-Quality Used Vehicles for Sale in Raleigh, NC, in 2020

Happy New Year, car shoppers! Many of us have set resolutions or goals for ourselves for the new year and even the new decade. While many folks resolve to lose a few pounds, others decide to take hold of the horns and do something big with their life – such as taking that road trip they have always dreamed of. Whether your 2020 has a big road trip or a new job with a commute, it helps to have a dependable vehicle.

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A 2020 Chrysler Pacifica on a snowy terrain

What are Some of the Best Used Vehicles from Auction Direct USA-Raleigh, NC, for Winter Driving?

Used Vehicles with AWD for Winter Driving for Sale in Raleigh, NC

The winter season has arrived in North Carolina, and we have seen some snow already – and we will certainly see more over the course of the next few months. Even with all that Lake Effect snow, we still have obligations and need to venture out on the roads. Of course, it helps when we have a vehicle that is equipped to handle the snow and ice. Read the rest of this entry >>

A woman shaking hands after signing the paperwork

Looking to Trade Your Current Vehicle for a High-Quality Used Model? Come to Auction Direct USA!

Used Vehicle Trades at Auction Direct USA in Raleigh, NC

Are you looking for a different vehicle? Are you trying to save money? Then you have come to the right place! Here at Auction Direct USA, we can negotiate trades for your current vehicle to help you save money while driving away happy in a high-quality used vehicle.

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Christmas tree with red ornaments

Check Out This Holiday Commercial from Toyota!

Holiday 2019 Commercial from Toyota

Here at Auction Direct USA, we love watching holiday-themed commercials. We will forever and always love the one featuring the ringing Hershey Kisses and the one with Santa fainting when he meets the Red and Yellow M&Ms. Automakers also like to get in the holiday spirit and create special commercials. In our opinion, Toyota makes some of the best and most heartwarming holiday commercials and we wanted to share this year’s edition with you. Read the rest of this entry >>

Colorful Christmas cookies

Where are the Best Bakeries in Raleigh, NC for Holiday Treats?

Best Raleigh-Area Bakeries

The holiday season is famous for its unending supply of holiday treats. For nearly every event we attend, it is almost expected that we bring something to share. But life happens and we just don’t have time to bake. Or maybe we are better at cooking savory dishes than baking. Or maybe we have a tiny kitchen and baking just isn’t feasible. Whatever the reason you have that you are not able to bake, you can always run to a bakery and pick something up. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this – especially when you get something from one of our favorite local bakeries! Read the rest of this entry >>

Horses under a blue sky

Find Out How a RAM Truck Helps a Ranch!

Martin Ranch Performance Horses with the RAM 3500

There is just something so beautiful and moving about ranch living. Maybe it is a connection with the land and animals, or perhaps a respect for a history and tradition that is more than a century old. Ranches are still scattered around the United States and they are still working hard to raise livestock like beef cattle and horses. Let’s visit the Martin Ranch, which has been in business for a very long time. Even with the time-honored tradition of raising horses, the ranch uses modern equipment – including the RAM 3500! Find out how the RAM 3500 helps the Martin Ranch by watching this video! Read the rest of this entry >>