RAM 2500 on the road

Learn How to Hook Up a Trailer to Your RAM Truck By Yourself

RAM How to Hook Up a Trailer by Yourself Video

Pickup trucks have long been used for towing trailers loaded with livestock, farm harvests, equipment, recreational toys, and more. More often than not, we have someone helping us with the hooking up process (a little more…a little more…a little more…stop!) and we are extremely grateful. But what happens when you are by yourself and you need to hook up your trailer? RAM recently shared a helpful video to provide some guidance to make the process easier. Read the rest of this entry >>

a red car buried in snow

Is Your Vehicle Ready for Winter?

Winter Preparation Checklist for Your Vehicle

The winter season is almost here, and depending on where you are located, you may have even seen some snow already. With that being said, now is the time to get your vehicle prepped so it can provide optimal performance and stay dependable during the cold months ahead. To ensure that you don’t forget anything, we have created a checklist for you:

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2021 RAM 1500 in red near a field of crops driving front view

Find Out How RAM Trucks Help the American Farmer

RAM Agriculture Way of Life Video

This nation was built by farmers. As Laura Ingalls Wilder once wrote, “It was the farmers that went over the mountains, and cleared the land, and settled it, and farmed it, and hung on to their farms”. Today, many small family farms are still hanging on, and instead of horses or oxen, RAM trucks are helping them get the job done. Thanks to powerful engines and spacious beds, RAM trucks can haul livestock to shows or the market, help bring in the harvest, transport equipment, and so much more. Watch the video below to learn more. Read the rest of this entry >>

wrapped Christmas gifts in a pile

What are Some Good White Elephant Gift Ideas?

Holiday 2019 White Elephant Gift Ideas

Holiday gift-giving can be stressful. If you have ever done a name-drawing gift exchange, there will always be someone who is less than thrilled with what they receive. That is why many families have embraced the white elephant gift exchange. It is meant to be fun, and you can get as silly as you want – and there are very rarely any hurt feelings! If you are looking for some fun white elephant gift ideas, we’ve got you covered!

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2021 RAM 1500 in red near a field of crops driving front view

Find Out How a RAM Truck is Helping a Vineyard Do More!

RAM On to Bigger Things at the Babcock Winery Video

In North Carolina, winemaking is big business – and many of the selections that come from these two states are just as good (and in some cases, even better) as what renowned wine-making places like California, France, and Italy are offering. To help a vineyard and winery operate smoothly, it helps to have a powerful pickup truck. RAM recently released a commercial showing how a winery is using the truck for their business. We think that it is fantastic and wanted to share it with you right here on our blog. Enjoy!

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A pile of holiday gifts

What are Some Good Automotive-Themed Gifts for the 2019 Holiday Season?

Christmas 2019 Gift Ideas for Drivers

The holiday season is now upon us, and many of us are starting to make plans on what we are going to give as gifts. Every once in a while, we become stumped as to what to give to someone who seems to have everything already or someone who is never happy with what they get. Before you give up and just stick a wad of cash in an envelope, read through our gift suggestions that drivers will love unwrapping! Read the rest of this entry >>

Person jump starting a vehicle

How Do I Jump Start a Vehicle?

Ford Truck Life: How to Jumpstart a Vehicle

Did your kids have one of the overhead lights on so they could read while you were driving last night and forgot to turn it off when you got home? Or is the weather so cold that your vehicle isn’t turning over? Either way, it is never fun to have a dead battery when you have places to be! Luckily, jump-starting your battery will fire up your vehicle in no time so you can get back out on the road! Ford recently released this helpful video that gives a great step-by-step guide to jumpstarting your vehicle. Enjoy and good luck! Read the rest of this entry >>

Now is the Time to Create a Roadside Emergency Kit!

Ford Truck Life: Own a Roadside Emergency Kit Video

With the winter season on its way, many drivers are getting their vehicle ready for the cold temperatures and the snow. One thing that you should do to prepare your vehicle for the winter season is by building and adding a roadside emergency kit to have on hand in case you ever end up in the ditch after encountering slippery road conditions. And it is actually good to have in your vehicle all year round in case anything goes wrong while you are on the road. Watch this video from Ford to create the best roadside emergency kit: Read the rest of this entry >>

Halloween pumpkins

Is Halloween Egging Bad for My Vehicle?

Can Eggs Ruin My Car’s Paint?

Halloween is almost here, and while many of us are excited to dress up and pig out on candy, we are also dreading the shenanigans that the teenagers will pull. Here at Auction Direct USA, we have heard stories from our friends and family where their yards were TP’d, and the Jack-O-Lanterns on their doorsteps were smashed. But perhaps the worst prank in the bunch is when we are driving down the street when all of a sudden, our vehicle is being pelted with eggs! Read the rest of this entry >>