Volkswagen Beetle

Add Some Volkswagen Beetles to Your Next Photography Project!

How to Create a Beetle-Type Bokeh Effect Video

The Volkswagen Beetle is one of the most iconic vehicles ever produced. We love this little car because of its standout styling and awesome fuel economy! Because of its round silhouette, the Volkswagen Beetle is relatively easy for artists to replicate in their projects – including photography! Recently, Volkswagen shared how to create a Volkswagen Beetle-style Bokeh effect and we thought that we would share it with you! Enjoy! Read the rest of this entry >>

Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross models

Watch the Robots at the Mitsubishi Plant!

Dancing Robots at Mitsubishi Plant Videos

The Mitsubishi brand has really increased in popularity and demand in the last few years. Drivers have been loving the affordable and top-notch quality that Mitsubishi has to offer. With the increasing popularity of Mitsubishi, we are starting to see more vehicles from the brand available at our dealership. To help you get a closer look at the fun and creativity of the Mitsubishi brand, we thought that we could share these videos with you! Enjoy!

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Girl adjusting the rearview mirror in a vehicle

Are You Riding in a Vehicle with a Dangerous Driver? Here’s What to Do!

How to Deal With a Dangerous Driver When You are the Passenger

We have heard stories – or even experienced it personally – where someone is behind the wheel and driving dangerously. This includes speeding, tailgating, talking on a cell phone, texting, taking their hands off the wheel, and nearly colliding with guardrails or other vehicles. If you ever find yourself in this situation, we have some advice for you. Read the rest of this entry >>

Guy changing gear behind the wheel of his vehicle

How Do I Become Comfortable Driving Again After Being in an Accident?

Ways to Get Comfortable with Driving Following an Accident

Whether it is a minor dent or a major collision where the car was totaled, accidents can be a very scary thing. While the moment it happens is scary, the aftermath can be difficult to cope with and can leave us feeling scared to get behind the wheel again. We are offering some tips to help you become confident about driving again. Read the rest of this entry >>

Elvis Presley's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

What Cars Made Elvis Presley Get “All Shook Up”?

What Cars Did Elvis Presley Own?

Any Elvis Presley fan knows that August 16 is a very special day. It is the anniversary of the King’s death. It will be 42 years since his passing, and many of us still remember what we were doing when we heard the sad news. Elvis Presley is one of the most iconic figures from the 20th Century, and his music is still loved by many today. In addition to his music, Elvis is remembered for his unique style – especially when it came to his cars! Join us as we share some Presley-owned cars that we can’t help falling in love with! Read the rest of this entry >>

Senior parents smiling in a car

Is Now a Good Time to Talk to My Elderly Parents About Giving Up Their Car Keys?

How to Talk to Seniors About Giving Up on Driving

When it comes to driving, we usually worry about our teenagers getting behind the wheel (trust us, most of our gray hairs have come from the hours that we spent teaching them how to drive). Speaking of gray hairs, there are some other drivers in our family that we may eventually become concerned about our elderly parents. If you are starting to wonder if it is time to talk to your parents about turning over the keys, we have some great advice to share: Read the rest of this entry >>

Mother dropping her kids off at school

Getting Ready to Head Back to the Classroom? Purchase the Perfect Vehicle at Auction Direct USA!

Best Used Vehicles for Back to School 2019

If you have been out shopping at your favorite big box store, you have probably noticed that Back to School merchandise has been prominently displayed. You may even have started to pick up a few items before things start to become scarce. In addition to the notebooks, folders, and flair pens, you may need one more item – and that is a different vehicle. Read the rest of this entry >>

Mechanic at a service center talking to a customer

Help! My Car’s A/C Just Conked Out! Where Can I Get it Fixed?

Car Air Conditioning Repairs in Raleigh, NC

The South is famous for its sweltering summers and while we are used to it, it can be uncomfortable to get in our vehicle after it has been sitting out in the hot sun. Usually, we rely on the air conditioning unit in our vehicle to help keep us cool, but there may come a day when it konks out on you – and it is usually on the hottest day of the year!

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Sunlight in a city

How Can I Protect My Car’s Paint Job from the Sun?

Vehicle Sun Protection Tips to Prevent Fading

When you shop with us here at Auction Direct USA, you will find a wide variety of colors available for our high-quality used vehicles. No matter which color you choose, you definitely want it to look good for a long time. However, the bright rays from the sun can cause your vehicle’s paint to fade over time. Luckily, we have some tips to help prevent sun-caused paint fade from happening! Read the rest of this entry >>

A kid sitting in the back seat and looking at her parents

Is it a Bad Idea to Have Bumper Stickers That Pertain to My Kids on My Car?

Dangers of Kid-Related Bumper Stickers on a Car

In today’s world, many folks are more than willing to share their lives with other folks thanks to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and personal blogs. And the sharing can become even more prevalent once we start having kids and feel the need to constantly share photos with everyone. While some of our friends enjoy seeing pictures of our kids in their newest outfits or heading off to their first day at school, we should exercise caution when sharing due to the ever-growing risk of encountering unscrupulous characters. Read the rest of this entry >>