people by a blue Ford truck in hazy lighting

Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing in a Used Truck from Auction Direct USA!

Used Trucks for Skygazing Available in Raleigh, NC

Here at Auction Direct USA, one of our favorite summertime activities is going outside and looking up at the nighttime sky. We always love picking out the constellations, making a wish on a shooting star, and keeping our eyes open for a UFO. But the one thing that we really look forward to doing is celebrating the 50th anniversary of man’s landing next week. Some of us old-timers still remember sitting in our parents’ living room and watching Neil Armstrong step off Apollo 11 and saying, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.

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Lead mechanic in a service center

Why is My Manual Transmission Vehicle Smelling Like Burnt Rubber?

Common Reasons Your Manual Transmission Can Start to Smell

Manual transmissions have gone to the wayside in favor of the automatic option, but there are many drivers who still prefer the old-school manual. When you shop with us here at Auction Direct USA, you can easily find vehicles that are outfitted with a manual transmission. Like any vehicle component, your manual transmission will need to be maintained so that it may continue to work correctly. However, something can go wrong at some point either due to neglect, improper use, or age.

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a person holding a tire next to a silver vehicle

Is it safe to put a set of used tires on my vehicle? 

Can you put used tires on your car?

Tires get replaced and serviced more often than most other parts of your car. This is because your tires are constantly taking a beating. Every time you drive, you put wear on them. Eventually, you will need to replace all four of your tires. Tires aren’t cheap, so it may be tempting to get used tires instead of brand-new ones. Is that entirely safe? The short answer—no. Keep reading to get the long answer. 

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Black Chevy Suburban

Check Out How the Chevy Suburban Has Changed Over the Years!

Chevy Suburban Anniversary: 80 Years of Power, Utility & More Video

A while back, we shared a video that showcased how Ford’s trucks have changed over the years. Here at Auction Direct USA, one of our most popular vehicles besides the Ford F-Series is the Chevy Suburban. This can-do-it-all vehicle has been around for 84 years now and it has always been capable yet stylish to match the times. Don’t believe us? Check out this video produced a few years ago by Chevrolet! Read the rest of this entry >>

Mechanic changing oil

Can I Top Off My Oil Using a Different Grade Than the One That is Currently Being Used?

Can I Mix Different Motor Oils?

When it comes to maintaining our high-quality used vehicle from Auction Direct USA, one of the best things we can do is be mindful of the oil. Check it regularly (once a month), have it changed every three months or 3,000 miles, and top it off as needed. But have you ever found yourself checking the oil in your vehicle, realized that it was low, and discovered that the only oil you had on hand was different than the kind you normally use? Is it okay to use? Keep reading to find out! Read the rest of this entry >>