Table set with Easter-themed foods

How Do I Transport Food to Easter Dinner Without Spilling?

Tips for Transporting Food in a Vehicle

Easter is coming up, and we are looking forward to getting together with our loved ones for a delicious meal. When there is a large crowd, cooking a full meal can be overwhelming for whoever is hosting. Oftentimes, we are asked to contribute to the meal to make things easier for our hostess, and there are many delicious recipes that are crowd-pleasers. The only problem that we experience is trying to transport our dish without a disaster occurring. Luckily, we have some tips to help you out. Read the rest of this entry >>

a key fob being passed between two people

What Cars Do Parents Think are Great for Their Teenage Drivers?

Best Cars for Teen Drivers According to Parents

Many of us remember turning 16 and getting our first car. Of course, that car was typically a hand-me-down from Mom and Dad while they upgraded to a newer vehicle for themselves – or we purchased a used vehicle with Mom and Dad’s help. In this day and age, it seems like there is a different attitude about the kind of vehicle that teens should drive. We are guessing that it is due to distorted movies and reality shows where teens are driving brand-new luxury cars. However, many parents are still being practical about their teen’s first vehicle. We were scrolling through Quora this morning and found the question, “What is a good first car for my 16-year-old son?” We thought that we would share some of the opinions of the Quora community: Read the rest of this entry >>

2020 Honda GoldWing with two riders

Watch Out for Motorcyclists This Spring While Driving Around Raleigh!

Vehicle/Motorcycle Safety Tips for Raleigh, NC, Drivers

Our Raleigh-based dealerships have been experiencing spring weather for a while. The spring season means that more motorcycles will be out on the road. Most motorcycle accidents involve other vehicles, and the person driving the passenger vehicle is usually the party at fault. To help prevent motorcycle accidents, we are sharing some safety tips for you to remember when sharing the road this spring.

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Mechanic changing oil

When You Should Have your Oil Changed

Of all the maintenance you perform on your vehicle, none will extend its life more than regular oil changes. But, that begs the question, “what is a regular oil change?” Most manufacturers recommend changing the oil somewhere between three and five thousand miles. But, depending on what you drive, and how you drive it, those numbers may actually be far too low. You might be able to get more than twice the recommended mileage, especially if you use synthetic oil. While it never hurts to err on the side of caution, replacing perfectly healthy engine oil three or four times a year doesn’t make sense either. There are several methods to determine if your oil still has enough viscosity.

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