When you are looking to purchase a used vehicle, there are many factors that you need to look at to help you find the right automobile for your needs. Some of these factors include the price of the car, the longevity of the car, the price to maintain and repair the car, the resale value of the car and the features the car comes with. Taking the time to weigh all of these factors will help you find the right used car for your needs. Here are a few of the cars that consistently rank among the best used vehicles to buy in 2018.
Honda Civic
For over 20 years now, the Honda Civic has remained one of the best used vehicles to purchase. And in 2018, this vehicle once again tops the list. Used Honda Civics get great gas mileage, hold their value and are relatively affordable to repair and maintain. These types of cars are perfect for high school students, young professionals or those who are looking for a commuter vehicle. The price of a used Honda Civic will vary, based on the year you are looking at. But, keep in mind, when properly maintained, used Honda Civics can last hundreds of thousands of miles.
Toyota Camry
Another used car that consistently tops the best used vehicles to buy list is a Toyota Camry. Just like Hondas, Toyotas last a long time when properly cared for and hold their value. The Camry is larger than a Honda Civic, making it a great family car. The parts for a Camry are also readily available, making it affordable to repair and maintain. And because this is a family-based car, it comes with a wide range of features designed to keep your family comfortable and safe.
Dodge Challenger
The last vehicle that rounds out our best used vehicle to buy in 2018 is the Dodge Challenger. A Dodge Challenger is a sportier looking automobile. However, Dodges do not tend to hold their value as well as Toyotas or Hondas. However, this means that these used cars are more affordable than those other options. If you want a sporty car, that gets good gas mileage and is affordable, consider looking into one of these used cars.
With so many different used cars on the market, finding the one perfect for you can be a challenge. But at Auction Direct USA, we are happy to help you find the vehicle of your dreams. Visit one of our lots today to check out our current selection, take cars out for a test drive, and ultimately, go home in the right car for you.
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